Book Review: Value Innovation Portfolio Management

I Just finished reading Value Innovation Portfolio Management: Achieving Double-digit Growth Through Customer Value, by Sheila Mello, Wayne Mackey, Ronald Lasser, and Richard Tait.

This book discusses implementing corporate project portfolio management by focusing on insight gained from your customers as to what they value.  I like this because I agree with their premise.  They call it the VIP approach to Portfolio Management.

This group of authors is a consultancy which has developed a methodology for gathering customer insight and applying it to their clients organizations strategy plans.
One novel offering that suggest is that while most of the industry is using bubble-charts to express strategy dynamics, they suggest using a radar-chart instead because it compares more than three axis.

The book goes on to discuss various portfolio "models" for understanding customer value in product development including Grounded, Relevant, Intentional, Optimized, Measured, Supported, Actionable, Fortified, Dynamic, and  Sustainable models.
I enjoyed reading the book and found the most valuable part of it to be their model of gaining customer insight.
Mike J

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