I finished reading Optimizing Corporate Portfolio Management: Aligning Investment Proposals with Organizational Strategy
, by Anad Sanwal. I mentioned in a previous post that this book's forward was written by Gary L. Crittenden, CFO of CitiCorp, and a friend of mine.
In his detailing of the evolution of Corporate Portfolio Management at American Express, Sanwal makes a great case for the need for CPM in any corporation.
He explains how real strategy is linked to investment, and how investment is really any discretionary income a corporation spends.
He presents a four-step process for implementing CPM, and in the latter part of the book, gives case studies from many large U.S. organizations that have successfully implemented CPM.
I found this book an excellent read, and a must for anyone studying the relatively new disipline of Corporate Portfolio Management.
Mike J Berry www.RedRockResearch.com